June 21, 2021

Tips for Effectively Following-Up After an Interview


You finished your interview. Now what? Here is my step-by-step guide for what to do after your interview

Immediately Following the Interview

As soon as you are able after an interview, send a short, polite thank you note to each person you met during the interview process.  While handwritten notes are a nice touch, an email is perfectly acceptable.  Using your notes, take the opportunity to support the statements you made in the interview on how, specifically, you will add value to the company and position. Add any significant information you may have forgotten to say in the interview.

Make sure you personalize each thank you note, as opposed to sending the same note to all interviewers.

If you didn’t get everyone’s card – send a note to the recruiter to forward on your behalf.

Don’t make any typos!  It may sound simple, but it is amazing how many times it happens. Check out some additional thank you note tips here.

The “Check In” Email

As long as you don’t overdo it, recruiters don’t mind the occasional “check-in” email. Don’t check-in before the end of the timeline they communicated during the interview.  If the process is going slowly, find ways to stay top of mind without always asking about the interview status.  For example, touch base by updating them on your new, relevant work responsibilities and successes, by congratulating them on individual or company achievements or by passing along articles you think are relevant to them.

This being said, remember to practice patience. The process can truly just take a long time and the  company is probably very busy – hence the reason they are hiring! Convince them you are interested in the position during the interview – not with follow-up emails!

The Phone Call

If you are not receiving responses to your check-in emails, you may wish to follow- up by phone.  Politely refresh their memory on your application and interview.  Ask if the recruiter has a couple of minutes to talk, and if they do, begin by asking if the position is still open and if you are still being considered for it. Recruiters are very busy – and often times don’t get timely feedback.  A gentle nudge ensures that you get feedback as soon as its available.  Don’t call specific hiring managers.  More often than not, it will be a turn off.

Stay in Touch

Even if you get passed up for the position, it is always beneficial to grow your network.  Treat the  interviewers like your other business relationships – always be genuine and respectful.

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