June 7, 2021

What to Know When Considering Relocating for Work


Getting a new job is an exciting moment in anyone’s life. It becomes even more thrilling when you are presented with the opportunity to relocate for your new job. Embracing change can help you grow your career in new and unexpected ways. However, relocation does come with a variety of pros and cons, so it’s important for you to think about what this will mean for you and your life. If you find yourself having to make this decision, here are a few things to consider before giving your final answer to your new company:

Can You Afford this New Location?

Depending on where you’re asked to relocate to, the cost of living can differ greatly. Before saying yes to relocating, you need to seriously look at if you are able to afford to live in this new city for an extended period of time. Most importantly, can you afford to buy a home and have the basic necessities here? 

When looking at homes, before you get pre-approved for what you can afford, you should first know if your credit score qualifies you for a home loan. From there you can search for a house within your price range. You should also look into the average cost of necessities like food, utilities, and taxes in this new location. Then you can determine if you can afford to buy these basics on the salary you were offered.  

Is there a Relocation Stipend?

Some companies will offer you a form of additional compensation when you relocate for them. This can come in the form of a signing bonus, reimbursement for all or a portion of your moving expenses, and even offering temporary housing to give you time to search for something on your own. If they offer a small package, or even nothing at all, try to negotiate a relocation package into your contract before signing. With high moving costs, your bank account will thank you for at the very least trying to get some form of help from your company. 

If your company is more of a start-up, there is a chance that they haven’t come across someone asking about a relocation stipend yet or haven’t even thought of that as an attractive option. It never hurts to ask, especially when you’re willing to move to work for their company and are only asking for a portion of your costs to be covered.

Are there Remote Aspects to the Job?

It is also important for you to understand any remote aspects to the job you’re considering. Some questions to ask include: 

  • Does the company have full-time remote employees? Are there offices in different cities?
  • If so, will you be expected to interact with full-time remote employees?
  • What systems and technology are in place to allow you to be in contact with and meet with full-time remote employees?
  • Are you expected to work from the office 100% of the time, or will you be allowed to work remotely for a portion of time?

Having the answers to these questions, especially as we continue to understand what office life will be like post-pandemic, can help you to effectively manage your remote team no matter where you are.

Does the Company Have a Specific Culture? 

Sometimes it can be difficult to integrate yourself into an existing company and adjust to their culture. Still, there are ways you can work to become acclimated as quickly as possible to ensure you’re fitting in with the company and their expectations of their employees. 

For example, practice basic meeting etiquette rules and adjust as needed as you begin to notice others’ tendencies in the office. There are other culture-related items, like dress code, that you need to make sure you’re aware of before you relocate. If you’re moving to a place that gets a lot of snow in the winter, is it appropriate for you to show up to work in snow boots or should you change your shoes in the car? These are all great things to know about before you decide to move. 

Do You Know Anyone in Your New Location?

Relocating can be difficult, especially when leaving family and close friends behind. This is why it can be a huge benefit if you already know someone in the location you might be moving to. Knowing even one other person can help you feel less lonely and make you more excited for everything that comes with relocating. Having this connection already in place can also help you to meet other people outside of work and make friends in a new city

Of course, things aren’t always going to work out that way and you might be moving to a new location where you don’t know anyone. This can be scary, but it also presents you with a unique opportunity to completely start fresh. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves and there is no better way to do that than by moving to a new place where you’ll need to learn to thrive on your own. In this instance, you’ll learn more about yourself than ever before. 

Relocating for work is a huge step, both professionally and personally. Before making your decision, you must consider if this move is right for you. These are just a few of the considerations you should be taking into account when asked to relocate. Ultimately, the choice is yours to make after going through the pros and cons. Remember, if nothing else, this is your chance for a fresh start in a new location. 

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