Alex Zalewski

All Content by Alex Zalewski

And stop being so serious. The dumbest debate on LinkedIn (and there’s a lot of contenders) is if the “Open To Work” green...
A real Schrödinger’s cat job market We have a retention issue. (Again.) But most companies won’t fully realize it until Office Dork™️ hiring kicks back...
I think everyone does. Confession: I hate resumes. I think everyone does. No one likes writing them. No one likes reading them. (Apologies to...

All data has limits

They don’t need to be. In June 2022, I wrote about how layoffs hit a record low that April. 2 years to the date....
Full ensh*ttification within 10 years, tops. Here’s why we’re in the final decade of LinkedIn’s business social dominance. First, a primer on the...

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