
All Content by matt-hernandez

Have you even asked yourself that before? Is your hiring process exciting for candidates? It’s not a trick question. If it’s hard to...
Maybe it always is? Compensation is a trainwreck right now. Let’s review the last few years: 👉Post-financial crisis until 2020. A decade of...
Meet the new year. Same as the old year. No matter who I talk to. What industry they work in. Everyone hates meetings....
Say what? Finding candidates is the easiest part of hiring. You’re either dumbfounded by me making that statement or you’re nodding your head...
Friendly reminder that tech doesn’t actually do your job for you. My worry over the too-much-too-fast proliferation of RecruitTech: both internal teams and...
No link, just the high points. Snippet from an actual job ad: “Yes, you will be quizzed on this.” 3 times! I’ll lead with the...

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