August 13, 2020

Managing Stress in the Workplace: The Top 10 Attributes of Resilient Employees


What do you think of when you envision someone successful? Maybe you imagine someone who is ambitious, committed, determined, and has a strong work ethic. It’s true that many successful people hold these attributes, but there is one skill that is typically overlooked – resilience.


In an ever-changing world and work environment, the ability to ‘bounce back’ or recover quickly from difficulties is key to success. Certain people seem to be naturally born with more resilience than others and can cope or adapt more quickly. Other people may get ‘stuck’ or have trouble moving forward when faced with adversity due to many different factors. The good news? Resilience is a skill that you can build. The amount of resilience you’re born with does not have to be the resilience you live with. Everyone can learn to increase their level of resilience as long as they strive to do so. 


We’re going to concentrate on resilience in the workplace; why is it important and what does it look like?

The workplace is often littered with stressors, anything from tight deadlines to deals gone wrong, unexpected delays in workflow, or technological issues. Throw in a global pandemic, the challenges of working from home, instability in the job market, and economy, and even the most exceptional employees can experience trouble dealing with a changing work environment.

Resilience in the workplace means being able to deal with all of the change and stress, and flourish despite it. Resilient employees achieve success by building strong relationships, being effective communicators, and developing trust with colleagues. Resilience is a vital trait to manage unavoidable changes and deal with unfamiliar scenarios.

We’ve created a list of 10 ways you can build your resilience in the workplace.

  1. Have a purpose

When you do something with a purpose, you do it with determination. Resilient people move with a goal or intention, and they work hard to make it happen.

  1. Be positive

It all begins with positivity. Focus on the experience and the outcome. Resilient people have a positive outlook.

  1. Keep things in perspective

Setbacks are only temporary, and each one creates courage and growth. Resilient people know that the comeback is greater than the setback.

  1. Have perseverance

Dust yourself off when you fall down and never give up. Resilient people can adapt successfully and have the tenacity not to quit.

  1. Learn from mistakes

Take the time to reflect on what didn’t work and learn how to fix issues. Resilient people do not make the same mistake again and again – they also don’t dwell on them for too long.  Learn from them and move on.

  1. Be tough, yet forgiving

Show grit, and if your workplace is a safe space; don’t be afraid to extend some grace and patience to yourself and others. Resilient people know how to adapt and find possibilities even in the worst times.

  1. Be prepared

Plan for the future, even when things aren’t working out as you’d hope. Don’t be afraid to pivot from that plan as things change. Resilient people are problem solvers and they know how to evolve.

  1. Believe in yourself

Don’t stop… believin’… in yourself. Resilient people work hard and celebrate every win, big or small.

  1. Be kind

 To others and yourself. Be generous and selfless. Resilient people find a way to care for others, even when there is nothing to gain. 

  1. Build a tribe

Your vibe attracts your tribe. Resilient people maintain healthy and supportive relationships, both personally and professionally.

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