November 21, 2023

Setting Yourself Up for Success and Keeping Recruiting Efforts Pushing Along Through the Holidays


Episode Highlights

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In this week’s episode Dan and Louie wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and start the show discussing the usual, the woes of the Chicago Bears and Pittsburgh Steelers. Both are in two different situations, both leaving fans with little hope. The Bears blew a 12-point lead with 4 minutes to play to a division foe, the Detroit Lions, and the Steelers, although having a winning record, lost to a division rival, the Cleveland Browns, who started a backup Quarterback. Dan and Louie segue this into recruiting by talking about the stable pieces of their teams and how you should build your corporate team around stable pieces.  If you have high performers, they are pivotal to the short and long-term success of your team, because they are dependable.  In addition to setting your team up for short and long-term success, the guys discuss not “punting” your recruiting efforts to 2024, and staying on track with your hiring efforts.  They tie together because they are important for the short-term success of the organization. They end the show talking about what they are thankful for, which of course is Hirewell!

Episode Transcript

Episode 45
In this week’s episode, Dan and Louie begin the show talking about the Copa America and Euro Cup tournaments coming to an end....
Episode 44
In this week’s episode, Dan and Louie recap the NHL and NBA Final after they saw the Florida Panthers and Boston Celtics win...
Episode 43
In this week’s episode, Dan and Louie dive into the heat of summer sports by discussing the NHL and NBA Finals.  Both are...
Episode 42
In this episode, Dan and Louie begin by discussing the NHL and NBA Finals getting ready to kick off in the next couple days. They...
Episode 41
In this episode, Dan and Louie begin by discussing the world of sports, as usual. The breeze by the MLB and Golf Season...
Episode 40
In this episode, Dan and Louie begin the show discussing the NHL and NBA Playoffs and how the NHL Playoffs have been far...

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