October 17, 2024

Strategic Q4 Hiring: Laying the Foundation for 2025


Episode Highlights

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In this week’s Hirewell Update, hosts Ryan Brown and Emily Goor explore why the fourth quarter is an optimal time for hiring. They discuss the benefits of early recruitment for 2025, the uptick in RPO requests, and preparing new employees before Q1. The episode offers insights into optimizing talent acquisition and addresses common challenges in hiring during Q4. Viewers will also learn about the advantages of onboarding before the holidays and improving team connections for retention. For more content, visit talentinsights.hirewell.com.

Episode Transcript

Happy Wednesday to everyone tuning into today’s episode of The Hirewell Update. I’m your host, Ryan Brown, Vice President of our Corporate Functions team, and this is my co host, Emily Goor, Director of our Go To Market Recruiting team. Before we kick off the show, you can find all of our content at talentinsights.hirewell.com. Or if you’d like to learn more about Hirewell and our service offerings, check out our website, www.hirewell.com. Hey there, Em. How’s it going, Ryan? Things are going pretty good over here. Pretty good. Just pretty good. I was on the edge of my seat over here, waiting to hear how you’d introduce yourself because, uh, something a little big happened this weekend.

Didn’t it? Yeah, we just got married is all. So, you know, just a normal weekend over here. Just kidding. It was the best weekend of my life, of my husband Julian’s life. It was great. Um, not quite at the name change stage, still have a lot of paperwork to, to, you know, figure out, but I have changed some of my social media.

Yeah, I mean, you know, you’re probably already ahead of me on the name change over a year and I’ve literally, how many times have I whipped out this box? That’s still unopened. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, I haven’t been sponsored yet either. So there’s no newly named. If you want to sponsor us, we’ll get Ryan Ross, Mrs.

Ryan Ross a box. Um, so when I got married last year and posted like a couple of pictures on LinkedIn, I got a few comments like this is not the place. Yes. that. I’m like, well, it So I’m going to share it. selfishly, I’d love if yo people might not think it I do and it’s the place w PSA. The pictures are abs So you’re so kind of mazel Julian.

We’re so happy fo I appreciate it. Yeah. It’s, um, as you know, I’m being in that newlywed bubble is a fun one, so I’m hoping it lasts a while and we get to keep enjoying and keep staying in, um, you know, the, the funness that is being newly married. So much fun. So happy for you guys. So many things going on.

I know. How many things? That and, um, to anyone celebrating Shana Tova. Happy new year. I know, I guess it’s Wednesday today. We’ll be celebrating Yom Kippur in a couple of days. So, um, if you’re celebrating, I hope that you have an easy and meaningful fast. And yeah, I feel like we’ve gotten all the. All the celebration.

It’s hard. Yes. I know Yom Kippur is not exactly a celebration. Well, you know, whatever. We won’t get into the semantics right now, but I feel like we’ve, we’ve covered all that now. We’ve covered it all. We have for sure. Well, let’s kick it over to our talent insights. We’re in Q4, which is crazy. Where, where is time going?

How is it Q4 already? I need answers. I need answers too. It turned October last week and I know it’s been a minute since we’ve chatted. I was at a town and Ryan got married. What? How many times am I going to say that today? I can say it over and over. So we’re excited. This is actually the first time that you and I are sitting down together in October.

Yes, yes, yes. In the fourth quarter. And I know I was sitting down also with a client the other day. Like we, we kind of have like some quarterly business reviews with clients. So it’s great to touch base at the beginning of a new quarter. Yeah. And strangely enough, we actually were starting to, starting to discuss like their 2025 hiring plans and like what we’re doing now for 2025.

I know same Em. I mean, I’ve been doing those quarterly business reviews as well. And a lot of companies have 2025 top of mind, and we’re meeting with a lot of organizations that are wanting to start discussing what planning for talent next year looks like. And essentially a lot of those conversations are focused too on what’s the proper timeline to hire if they want to have a team that’s fully ramped up and ready to go by Jan 1

yeah, we, I feel like we actually get that question a lot in general. Just like if I want a full, like, if I want somebody to start this date, when do we need to start hiring? If I want somebody fully ramped up this day. And so I think the biggest time of year we have that conversation is now when it comes to that question that you just mentioned, I want somebody fully ramped January 1st, right.

For the start of 2025, when do I have to start hiring? We’ve had. These conversations so much on the go to market side of recruiting. And honestly, at least for sales roles, if you want to hire for a ramped up team in 2025, You need to be hiring now. Like you, you actually maybe needed to start like last week, but like, yeah, you’re a little late.

No, but if you work backwards, just thinking about the timeline, you want a salesperson to hit the ground running and actually start selling. Come January, right? You need to take into account interviewing folks. So depending on your interview process, that takes two to four weeks, right? Like we can usually get you folks within like five to 10 business days, depending on the search sometimes sooner.

About a week, once you get to the offer stage after that interview process. Two weeks notice ish. Some folks these days like to give a little bit longer depending on their level. Folks who are interviewing now will likely start in November, which gives them a few weeks to onboard, to train. We know with sales folks, there’s kind of that ramp period.

So you kind of see where I’m going here. If you want If you want, somebody if you want somebody fully ramped and ready to go, like onboarding, trained, let’s go. Q 1 2025, let’s go now. I don’t know. I know you mentioned that’s what we see like a, a lot on the sales side of things. Like what are your thoughts on the corporate function side of recruiting?

Yeah, I mean we’re certainly seeing similar timelines for different roles. So for example, on the HR side, on the administrative side, the timeline that you laid out, it’s exactly what we would see for those types of positions. Again, depending on level, you know, the higher up we go, if we’re, we’re looking at, VP level searches and above, we’re always gonna have a longer period of time for those searches just.

In general, it doesn’t really matter the time of year. Um, I will say though, you know, I joked about being behind the eight ball when you were chatting, Em, but if you’re looking to hire finance and accounting folks, Before Jan one, you are behind the eight ball. Those searches take such a long time. Number one, just in terms of like sourcing, um, there’s a shortage of FNA folks out there.

That’s a topic for another day, but because of that, and you know, the, the bottleneck that we continuously see in the market. It’s going to be challenging to get people in seats, fully trained, ready to go by January at this time, not completely impossible. I’m sure we can find some luck out there, but, um, overall, I think in general, we’re, we’re on, you know, similar timelines I have noticed.

So I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, because we’ve been having all of these conversations with clients and potential new partners that there is an uptick in overall recruitment support. And I think what that has typically meant in years past is that, we would likely see an uptick in actual recruiter job openings.

And that hasn’t really been necessarily the case this year. We’ve actually seen an uptick in a request from our clients for RPOs. But before you keep going with RPOs, I’m familiar with RPO. And I know a lot of people in the talent acquisition space know what RPO stands for, but dive in a little bit for us.

Just to explain what RPO is, of course, well, it stands for recruitment process outsourcing. So simply put, what that means is our clients are essentially borrowing our internal recruiters here at Hirewell who are then fully assimilating acting exactly as like an internal resource for our clients for an extended period of time. So as opposed to bringing on you know, a full time recruiter with salary and all of those other things, they’re using us to help them get through essentially hiring periods and higher volumes where they need support. Like we mentioned, organizations are already preparing for Q1 and those hiring initiatives, which are starting to kick in this quarter. So they’re thinking proactively about how they can get through that hiring push, which is resulting in us providing more services from an RPO standpoint. Yeah, it’s great.

And you know, it’s an incredible service that HireWell offers. If you ever want to chat more about that, like, like you said, instead of hiring a full time recruiter yourself or even a contract recruiter yourself, we already have a Fabulous experienced people that do that. So We will do it for you. Mm-Hmm.

So, I mean, it’s always great to get behind, the why right? We like to talk about the why in the show. Why do you think it’s beneficial to start hiring now in order to achieve like those TA goals for. Quarter one in 2025. I know we’ve already kind of started to hit on this. Totally. Yeah, we already talked about the timeline and you walked us through that in some pretty good detail.

So if you really want people to be fully ramped up to start the year, you have to get them in a seat ASAP in Q1. Q4 tends to be slow for many organizations. So, I always think it’s the best time to onboard new people because your current employees already have more bandwidth to train and onboard new employees.

Business is usually typically a little bit slower, so there’s more time to dedicate to things like training and onboarding activities. And I think on the other end of that, Things move so quickly come like the new year and just new quarter. Like we were just talking about, Oh my gosh, we can’t believe it’s already cute.

You know, Q4 we’re in October. This essentially gives people a really good runway to get into a good flow of like, here’s my day to day. This is what my role is going to look like. Business is a little bit slower. So I get, you know, time to acclimate and get up and up to speed in many ways. This allows them to really get that

solid understanding of what their workflow is going to look, look like and feel like. So when Q1 hits, they’re ready to roll. Yeah. They’re not like drinking from a fire hose. We all know beginning of the year is absolutely insane. I think you mentioned like, you know, I think people are so in and out of the office during quarter four also that like, it is a great time for just like training onboarding because once everyone’s back Q1, it’s like, go, go, go.

We are in it. So it’s so great to get all that stuff out of the way. And I think from a culture perspective too, I know we always like to kind of give the different viewpoints, bringing new employees into your company, like before the holidays and actually allowing them to experience how your company observes and celebrates holidays.

It’s simply fun. Like, Sorry, more eloquently, but like, it’s just fun. Employees to have that experience right off the bat, you know, I think that it honestly can lead to, like, new employees buying in sooner and then then longer, you know, long term retention. So, I mean, something that seems so small now, you’re, like, leading to, like, the

retention of employees I think can be huge, especially, I mean, if offices are, if companies are in office doing fun things during the holidays, um, honestly, even virtual celebrations, like I know, like my team does like a fun virtual celebration. I think having the opportunity to just meet people during like such a fun time of year at a company, um, just, you know, gives kind of new employees, the ability to create like stronger connections with their new colleagues.

I couldn’t agree more, actually funny enough. I started at Hirewell seven years ago, this coming December, and it was the best time to get started for all the reasons that we mentioned too. So, speaking from experience, I know that that’s the right time. Number one for candidates to make a move. Number two for employers to bring on new, new staff.

It was a great time for me to get up and running and everyone had bandwidth to help me get started. So I’m similar to like holiday. I remember being thrown into like our first holiday party, which I like, you know, maybe at the time was like, Oh my gosh, I’m going to a holiday party. I don’t know these people, but like in hindsight, it was such a good way to get to know people and just kind of get thrown in, like, get, you know, just familiar with people on a personal level too, which just gave me a stronger connection to HireWell.

In general. Yeah, completely agree. Completely agree. Well, I know we’ve talked about all the positives, Em, in terms of hiring in Q4 and those all remain true, but, you know, it wouldn’t be a show if we didn’t flip the other side of the coin and kind of walk through a few things as well. So, um, You know, we think that hiring in Q4 is the best.

It’s a great time to hire, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. It truly doesn’t. And there’s a few things to take into account. Now, these aren’t major roadblocks where you still can’t get hiring done, but it’s things to be aware of as you think about bringing on talent for Q1. Always going to be two sides of the coin, right?

Like that’s why we’re here to be proactive, tell you what to look out for. Yeah, and to talk about some solutions to so, you know, you referenced Em people taking time off that can sometimes be a challenge. You know what I mean? Like, folks may have extended time time off in terms of getting started. It could be really challenging to schedule interviews or even when someone’s, you know, onboarded.

Getting the right people in place in terms of training with some of that time off can present some challenges. Nothing you can’t work through, but it is something to be mindful of. The other thing that we typically see in Q4, lots of conversations with candidates around end of year bonuses or bonuses paying out in early Q1.

If you’re a recruiter, you know, that’s the bane of our existence, but it is a very real scenario that we talk about. All through Q4, all through Q1. Um, so it’s, it’s an opportunity for folks to get really creative in terms of what offers are coming out. If you can, you know, provide a sign on bonus, if you can guarantee a bonus for next year.

Um, . There’s a lot of different ways we can think about, um, you know, what that looks like and how to combat some of those potential challenges. And we see that a ton on the sales side too. I mean, as you can imagine, like people are like, especially for our enter, I’d say actually mostly for enterprise sales folks.

And we actually, I think have two or three open requisitions right now for enterprise account executives where they, you know, these are longer sales cycles. So they’ve been working these deals for a year, maybe a little bit more. And they’re like, Hey, I’m closing this quarter four. And then I can move. I mean, obviously that like, you can’t really avoid those things.

You can’t, but I think that’s also a great reason why, even if you’re not going to get a butt in seat in quarter four, it’s a great time to at least start your process so that at least come Q1 You’re ready to go. Like you’re not wasting the first three, four weeks of January starting to figure out your hiring plans,

recruiting processes and then getting somebody on board, because then before you know it, you’re all of a sudden not bringing somebody on board to like the end of quarter one, maybe like, even if you have a more complex role, like quarter two, so those are the things to keep in mind. And just that flexibility to, like, being open, even being open with PTO.

I think we run in a lot, somebody’s like, hey, I want to start in November, December, but pre plan time off. Yeah, my family planned a vacation from like Christmas to New Year’s. Will they honor that? You guys, I am telling you, if you are watching this. If you’re recruiting this time of year, nine times out of 10, we get that question.

I already have a trip planned for the holiday. Will they honor that? Be flexible. If you’re a company watching this and you have like a strict PTO policy, make it work, make it work, right? It’s not worth losing a candidate over if the PTO doesn’t kick in for, you know, they need to accrue days, et cetera, make it work.

It’s not, it’s not worth you losing a candidate. It’s definitely not, that’s not at all. Well, I feel like this is a great topic, Em, I mean, I think we talk about this every year in Q4 and, you know, we tell similar stories and give similar advice. But it’s all true. You know, recruiting is incredibly cyclical. The things that we talk about on a yearly basis, they happen consistently.

And so if you’re you know, thinking about talent, if you’re trying to put your people plan in place for 2025, now’s the time to do it, utilize great partners like Hyrabal to help you get there and, and, you know, craft the right solution. If you have an awesome team built out internally, you can handle all of this on your own.

Amazing. But these are the things to be mindful of so that you set yourself up for success next year. Yeah, couldn’t agree more. I, and can’t, like I said, can’t believe it. I cannot believe it. Where is time going? It’s just, it’s wild. Well, we’re here. You and I are, are hunkering down now. I’m not going anywhere.

You’re now married, so you’re not getting married again. Like we’re, we’re here. I think I’m just getting married once this year. That sounds great. Um, so we’ll be, We’ll have a lot more topics to cover for the rest of this year. And I think little, um, little preview. We’re really excited. I know higher wells been creating a lot of content around our, do you, is it, do you still call it new, new ish, newer, newest, newest practice, our cannabis practice.

So really excited. Um, .In one of our next shows, hopefully it’s the next one, but in one of our next shows, we’ll keep breadcrumbing you along. We’re gonna, you know, have, have Scott Wells, the leader of our cannabis practice. on the show. So really excited to have him on. So excited for that.. Yeah, exactly. And a little more breadcrumbing before you wrap up,Em, he was actually a previous client of ours. So he worked with us as a client. Now he’s an employee. I mean, Talent acquisition can be a full cycle process in many, many ways, but talk about a full cycle, having a client become an employee of ours. We’re so excited. Scott’s been a great addition to our team.

So we’re excited to have him on the show. Like so full circle. Well, I should write that down. We should make sure to ask him about that. You know, he must have had such a good experience working with us. Yes, we’ll save it though. That’s a wrap. That’s it. All we have. Um, let’s take it home. It’s a wrap for this week’s episode of The Hirewell Update. Thank you all so much for joining us as a reminder. You can find all of our content at talent insights.hirewell.com. Or if you’d like to learn more about Hirewell and our service offerings, check out our website. It’s www.hirewell.com. We’ll be back next Wednesday around noon central.

Congrats again to you, Ryan, Julian. If you’re watching, I’m sure your husband watches our show. We’ll see y’all next week. Bye. Have a great one.

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