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James Hornick (Hirewell & Careerwell) and Nate Guggia (Brand Marketing at Job Portraits) love talking about employer content. Their second live collaboration is a...
Episode 3
“Stay in your lane!”- the Internet rallying cry when people venture a little off the path. But how much value is there in...
Episode 4
Hiring wise, some companies just have it. They’re good. Everyone knows they’re good. And everyone wants to work there, while few want to...
Episode 5
Sometimes you just have to get real tactical. James Hornick and Nate Guggia talk about content creation ad nauseum. But if you’ve never...
Episode 6
Employee Value Propositions are seen as a core pillar of your employer brand. The defining statement of how you want the world to see...
Episode 8
Nate Guggia and James Hornick have had a blast making The Employer Content Show in 2020. The way the calendars have aligned, they’ve...
Episode 9
Do you have imposter syndrome? Or are you just an imposter? Social media is an incredible resource for insights into any field. But...
Episode 11
We all know how important it is to have consistency in the message. Showing a unified front demonstrates cohesiveness and organization.  I’m kidding....