April 5, 2022

You Don’t Need ‘Hiring’ Content


Episode Highlights

Employee-Driven Content Beats Anything Your Marketing Department Can Think Up


Inclusive Content Planning Builds Community


Think of Talent Marketing as Personality at Scale


3 Most Critical Forms Of Content For Hiring


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Irony: the least effective content to drive interest for your hiring? Content that talks about your hiring.

Effective recruiter marketing will drive job seeker interest your way. If you focus on the things they actually care about.

But no one cares about how exciting your environment is. Or how much money you raised. Or how fast you’re growing.

Nate Guggia and James Hornick will cover why the go-to hiring messaging is a total waste of time in episode 26 of The Employer Content Show, “You Don’t Need ‘Hiring’ Content” 

Episode Transcript

Welcome to The Employer Content Show, part of the Talent Insights series brought to you by Hirewell and Before You Apply, back after a six months hiatus. I’m your host James Hornick joining me is my co-host from Before You Apply Nate, the shortest man on your screen, Guggia. I need to- should I sit up a taller here.

So just to remind everyone. It’s funny you say that because- true story. I was just thinking about at some point, you and I are going to actually meet in person. Yeah. We’re going to take a picture together. People are going to really be able to see the difference in height. As I just tower over you. You will tower over me.

I’m a very short, short man. Yeah, it’s fine. So I went to my first, first in-person networking event in quite some time- the Sales Assembly. So I think you know. So I met, they had probably 30, 40 people there. It was kind of cool. And you know Matt Green, right? I do, yes. That’s first thing I said to him.

I’m like, man, I was really hoping you’d be taller. I wonder if he’s probably more of my height. Yeah. Shout out to Matt if you’re listening to this. Anyways, if not hopefully someone tags them. Anyways. So yeah, this is, I have to get used to doing the show again because like the other thing I do is The 10 Minute Talent Rant where it’s like on-point and punchy,

whereas you and I have always been a little more free-flowing so. We have kind of an itinerary but- yeah we’ll see where this one goes. A little looser. We’ll see where it goes. Yep. All right. So before we start just a reminder, all of our episodes are on the Hirewell’s Talent Insights, talentinsights.hirewell.com. Today’s segment,

as we’re titling it, “You don’t need ‘hiring’ content.” And I actually wrote a post today- it was kind of a warmup, but hiring content is the worst hiring content, if that makes sense. Hiring with like a quotes around it. I think we both learned a lot in the last kind of six months almost since we’d done our last show and just kind of had different takes on it.

And I know we’re, I think our last show we were just dumping on employer brand entirely and how stupid it was. But I guess it’s kind of- we might do it again. We’ll make a part two of that one. I guess, I want to, as we start kind of giving out some takes here on why we’re saying “hiring” content with quotes around it is, is kind of a waste. My own personal experience,

like I don’t sell employer brand stuff. I don’t teach people how to post about posting and all this kind of stuff. I’m just talking from my own experience. This is something we’ve done. Clearly we are, you know, content nerds. And when we first started doing this years ago, it was really just, hey is there a better way to drive inbound business?

And the thing that I I’ve said is it’s funny is that it, does do that but it does two other things more. It drives more referral business, meaning people who know you are more likely to remember to reach out because you’re top of mind, but even above that, it drives hiring. The amount of inbound interest you get and referral interest from other people you get far from our experience far exceeds

any sort of anything else. We doubled in size last year. So we went from like 50 to 100 employees and like 40% of them first heard of us through our content. And another 40% heard of us through our like, were referred to us from other people who are top of mind with kind of the content stuff we’re doing.

But here’s the thing. So all that aside, we don’t do any hiring pieces. Like we don’t do any like employer brand pieces like, here’s why you should come work for us. And this is why we’re so great and here’s our- like we don’t do any of that. Right. So, which is kind of crazy because it’s and I’m not saying this to brag, I don’t know many organizations that have had as much success as we’ve had in terms of like using content to drive hiring.

Meanwhile, none of it has been like what’s traditionally thought as like hiring content, right? Yeah. And like, I mean the same, you could say the same on the revenue side. Yeah. Like your content isn’t about like ‘buy my thing’ either. Yeah. I mean, like same goes on our side. We have not grown anywhere close to what would you guys have

but whatever it comes to like whether it’s a new customer acquisition or its interest in working for our company, it all comes at this point now, like, you know, I think I can confidently say that it all comes from people just seeing my stuff on LinkedIn. And like I never never post about like us hiring.

I never post about like buying our product or anything. It just like, I think at this point now I’ll get at least like a message a week where somebody will just like DM me and say like, “Hey, I’ve been following your stuff for a long time. I think what you guys do is cool. I’m looking around.” Yeah, go ahead. And I was going to say too, so our like person and kind of what my thought process is around kind of what the focus is I’ve always been, and I hate to say this like “thought leadership” I’m using quote fingers again, if you’re listening to this on the podcast. Whether you call what I do thought leadership, I’m just I’m shit posting half the time.

But it’s very clear kind of what we think about and our shows in the past when you and I were talking, we did those shows last year. We did a lot of surveys. We were surveying tech people and marketers and salespeople, and everyone wants to know like who the leaders are at the organization, kind of what their thoughts are, what their takes are, stuff like that.

Something else kind of struck me- is that that’s why I’ve always leaned into it. But I guess the other thing, and this will kind of, we want to talk about brand ambassador programs a little bit. It’s equally important for the rest of the organization to have a voice. Which is something we’ve always had a wide open pot- like anyone

please like talk about whatever you want to on social media, say whatever you want, you know, whatever, which terrifies most companies. But an interesting story, this is recently just changed my kind of whole thought around it. So one woman who started with us recently, who’s great,

she wanted to restart a segment that some other people did like a year ago. So it was like last summer or so, a couple people were doing an ongoing, like LinkedIn live segments on workplace taboos. So one was all like on tattoos, one was on like hairstyles, like stuff like that. And it was like, I thought it was cool.

It was not something I would’ve thought to do, you know? But we’re like, yeah, do it. It’s awesome. You know? And so this newer employee, that is how she first heard of Hirewell and started following us. And I realized that while it’s important, you need both levers. Like you need some level of thought leadership

I think on some level appeal to some people to know that like, okay, whatever’s messed up in your industry or whatever is like more innovative you should be doing., like that’s what you’re doing. But I also believe that on an employee level, so many employees have bad experiences in organizations where

they don’t feel like they have a voice. They don’t have any agency. They don’t have any ability to control their day to day the way they want to. And I’m not saying that, Hey, if you’re allowed to post on social media, that means everything’s great. But companies that have that negative environment where people are feeling burned out, like they don’t have a voice, like they’re definitely not allowed to do whatever they want to on social. You know what I mean? And just by virtue of the fact that people can see your employees are happy with what they’re doing, they’re allowed to like speak their mind, they’re allowed to give their takes,

it speaks volumes for, it gives so much more credibility to anything else you’re trying to accomplish as an organization from like a content talent attraction standpoint because your corporate marketing can say whatever the fuck it wants to, and no one’s going to believe it. But if they hear your employees saying something, they know that it has to be real,

right? And they also know that if they have, if they were to join, there were certain things they want to do, they’d also be allowed to do it, right. So I think that’s like, it just hits on a different level. Which is why I think that when you think of like when we talk about hiring content is stupid,

right? So one, it’s from the standpoint of like, you don’t have to talk about, “Hey, we’re hiring. This is why we’re great. This is the list we bought our way onto.” So that’s dumb, but it’s also does anything run through corporate is dumb and kind of a waste. Like I’m not saying you should shut down your social media accounts for your company, because we sure as hell aren’t. But like all that stuff pales in comparison to simply getting your- like training your employees how to use, because a lot of them- like it’s a lot of them may not be comfortable with it at first, or may not know how.

So it’s like the basic training of how to kind of do simple content, but also that also serves the purpose of letting your team know, yes, you are allowed to do this. Like you have the right to go forward and do this, which is a lot of times all they need to kind of take a more, be more proactive with it,

so. Okay. I’ve got a couple of questions for you. Sure. Okay is this something at this point now, are you screening for this when you talk to candidates? Candidates for Hirewell. No, it’s still secondary to the actual ability to do the job. It’s not a, we hire for this.

It begets itself though, because the more, the people who find us through social tend to be more interested in doing it. So it becomes a self fulfilling thing to that means, but it’s certainly not something that we use as a screening mechanism. Okay. I know we’re going to talk about the training aspect.

I hope we do talk about the trading aspect. I’m thinking about, okay, so first I want to acknowledge that this idea of employees being content creators, whatever has been probably like one of the most overused and most agreeable talking points on LinkedIn for what feels like a couple of years- who knows

right. But there’s a difference between saying it and actually pulling it off. Yeah. There’s a huge difference. Everybody wants to talk about it, but I don’t know if anybody can actually do it. Every wants to say, “This is the greatest thing ever” but I don’t see, I don’t see it happening at scale and I can count on one hand the amount of companies I’ve seen do it. Me too. Off the top of my head

I can only think of maybe three, maybe four if I tried really hard. Okay. I want to talk about, because it’s been, like you said, like six months since we’ve talked. A lot has happened. I feel like a lot has happened at Hirewell in the last six months. Even like really more like, I can’t get that- every time I look at my feed in LinkedIn, there’s somebody from your company talking about something. What’s enabled you to get to this point?

And why are you guys pulling it off when other companies can’t? I mean, I know there’s like corporate policies and there’s just like layers of bureaucracy and things like that, but like there’s something different. Well part of it’s that I and Jeff and a few other senior people are doing it and telling people they can too.

That’s not enough though. I would say kind of the first big lever was just having a, we have a meeting every other week, open to the whole company, brainstorm session just about what top of- what’s happening? Like what are your clients talking about? What are job seekers talking about? What are the recent trends?

What are your frustrations? What’s the latest thing that’s broken? What’s the latest thing people- like what are the now issues and how do we feel about them? And we use that for a basis of okay, does anyone feel really passionate about these things and wants to do a video segment on it or an interview or some sort of form of like media where it’s more in depth. But also it’s a good launching point for people just to, if you want to post a meme about some shit, right?

Or whatever it is Even if it’s something simple. It gives people more ammo to stay like here are topics that are top of mind with what’s happening right now in the industry. Because that’s always the hardest thing with content creation is like the hell do we talk about?

So by involving everybody, everybody who wants to on a regular basis, you’re one, you’re creating a bit of a community about that, but also you’re expanding on ideas so people actually have things to do and say, you know, to get excited about. And I also think it serves its purpose pretty well when people do have ideas that they want to do something.

There’s people there to validate that it’s a good idea that they should do it to encourage them. Okay. Do you have any- maybe this isn’t a concern. Is there- have you experienced, okay, so let’s say you have a company of a hundred. How many people are really active online? 30? Yeah. I’d say that. My goal is to get, to get half the company and I guess we’ll skip to this later because

we’re just starting kind of phase two, where we didn’t really have training for this stuff until like a month ago. So I’m hoping that picks it up. But I would say, 20, 30, as of now. My goal is to get that to 50, so. Do you have any fears that the other 50% or 70% whatever, will feel

I don’t know a level of like animosity or resentment or anything if like, as those employees become more popular?

No. Never thought of that. I don’t know. I I’ve never thought of it either until right now. So I thought I’d just like, pull it out. No, I don’t think so. It’s not a, it’s not a competition. I mean, everyone’s supportive. I would hope that- I think over time the people who were involved in it, like, it’ll be easy because we are in like a services and kind of sales based job.

So I mean, there’s tons of stats about how people who were involved in social selling, just outperform people who aren’t. So like people, like I have some stats written down here in front of me. Those weren’t the ones though. But there’s lots of stats about how people like 95% of executives

don’t or 95% of don’t return emails or phone calls to people they don’t know. So if people know you, I mean, you probably see this. Like once your name gets out there, they’re more likely to return like, “Oh, it’s Nate. I know Nate” you know, that kind of thing. So I think it’ll get easier over time. So I just, I hope that people kind of see that success like that the word gets out that, hey this actually made my job easier, so. Yeah.

Okay, cool. Do you want to talk about the program? Dipping into the brand ambassador. Yeah, sure. Or do you want to dip into before we even talk about that like, do you need an employer brand person? Okay. Because I was like the lead in for this. Do you want to go? Which order you want to go at?

Let’s go that way. All right. Yeah. Do you- because the answer is no, but yeah. I think the answer is no. Okay, so you guys are at this stage right now or this size. It feels like when you get to around this like a hundred employee point, suddenly you start thinking that you need some other things. Like, oh, okay,

do we need like somebody to oversee this? And it kind of takes on a life of its own. I know the answer to this, but are you thinking that?. So not for this. I mean, okay. So as we’ve grown, we’ve made a few hires. We hired a great product marketer, just hired a great learning development person, hired someone as a great resource manager for one of our on demand function, hired a chief of staff.

But I guess, I think what our kind of lead into this, we’re thinking about like classic employer brand. Like I would absolutely not hire any, but- Maybe we could turn this around. The sole focus of your employer brand person should be running a brand ambassador program. Okay.

So you do need someone to do that. There has to be someone responsible for putting that together. So when I say you don’t need an employer brand person, like all your traditional employer brand stuff, if you want to rattle some of that off, you know what I mean? Like your- what’s the EVP again? Employer value proposition, all this stuff, it’s all complete garbage, which we’ve said a million times before.

And like, the thing that matters is if you want to run a brand ambassador program, someone has to organize it, someone has to coordinate all these things, someone has to do the training, all that stuff. Like that is the top of what should be done. Everything else that’s traditional employer brand is a complete waste of time.

And I will even go as far to say, if you’re looking to hire an employer brand person, it should be someone who has created a brand ambassador program before, or knows how to run one or wants to run one. If you already have an employer brand person and they don’t like that concept, you should get a new employer brand person.

Just saying. Yeah, no. I, okay- so this is where, this is how like my thoughts about all this stuff have evolved. First they went from, let’s say, let’s see. The problems with employer branding. Then it went to like the problems with the current state of employer branding. Then it went to EVPs are a bunch of horse shit.

Then it went to like, okay, you got to get your people, you gotta get your leadership talking online to being like subject matter experts, right? And positioning themselves as that. Now I’ve gotten to the point where I’m like, okay, it’s pretty clear that at least right now, that individuals doing their thing publicly online drives more results than anything else.

So if that’s- okay. So if that’s true, why are companies focusing so much attention on company level stuff instead of focusing their attention and energy and resources into doing something like you guys are doing, which is at the individual level, which then obviously indirectly promotes the company level?

So, I feel like over the course of like two years or whatever that we’re talking about here is my thoughts about this have like narrowed so much to now they’re just at the point of like, I completely agree with you. Like, why don’t you just hire- why doesn’t a company just hire somebody to oversee this at scale inside of their company? I mean, there’s no good answer for you. Like, I think the reason is because there aren’t enough like examples of testimonials of companies that pulled it off, you know? No there aren’t. No, and it’s one of those things, but there’s a ton of examples of an old-school employer branding model that is ineffective,

yet companies still try to like, they try to put that in place and then they try to hire people to oversee that and like still nothing gets done. So maybe here’s another thought with ours is that- I’ll put it this way with and there’s one other point I want to kinda get on here before I forget. With our own, it took us a while to get like- it started with just me doing a lot and then slowly kind of build up.

I think that the stuff that I do is clearly time-consuming. For me, it’s gotten less time-consuming over time. It’s like you and I don’t think of it. It’s just part of kind of what we do. It’s part of our jobs. It’s not something you can ask necessarily every person in your organization to do. And I think if you’re saying, “Hey, I want to get 50 people like posting like Nate” like

it’s not feasible. You know? But I think that people don’t realize that there’s other types of employee engagement and content when people are posting it, isn’t that time intensive and that’s really what you need to be gunning for. So it just comes down to what people are passionate about and when it’s fun and it’s something you like to do, not everything has to be a fucking think piece, you know? I know. And that’s like-

So there’s a fear within management, like this is just, it’s going to be a waste of everyone’s time. That’s the biggest thing or not everyone’s going to know how to do it. But it’s not as when you- when you go down the line of other things you could be doing on social media, it’s not as time consuming as people think, and it’s not until they start seeing it that they realize that. This is something that you’ve changed my mind on because

not that long ago, I had this opinion that it was like, everybody needs to be the subject matter expert. They need to be like talking about their industry. They need to be doing like, kind of the stuff that you and I are doing. And then you showed me the brand ambassador program and you showed me how like different types of content, all like

I’ll create this like overall awareness and how it gets like more people excited about doing it because there isn’t as much pressure to like- yeah. It just like opened my eyes to the fact that like, oh, okay different, different people inside of a company can talk about different things. And it all, it all connects the dots and it was-

it suddenly, that’s where I saw like that this can go from like one to two people to like 50 people. Well, that’s the thing is like you and I are content elitists. Personally, I’m a snob. We’re total snobs. We look down our nose at anyone who isn’t doing a think piece, you know? For sure. But you have to realize we’re not trying to-

We’re odd. We’re odd. You know what I mean? You and I are not normal. Most people don’t think of things that way. They like different things than you and I like, but that’s the whole point is that you want to get different types of content created. And the only way to do that, that’s going to appeal to a little bit, appeal for everybody is to get different people with different ideas, with different attention spans and different desires and what they want to do.

And it’s like the one I mentioned before, like the woman who found us because of the piece that a couple of the people were doing about like tattoos and stuff like that, you know? And like it was a workplace taboos. Again, like not something I- I thought that was a great topic by the way. So I don’t mean to be throwing that and looking down my nose at that.

But again, it’s not something that you would think as a- that I would have thought, and there’s other things I’ve seen us been effective in getting people that are- like a lot of is joking around that we do, you know, has attracted people to us. Like the trolling each other has attracted, has gotten people that want to join us, you know? Oh for sure! And it’s stuff

that’s not even like, it’s so far down from like the thought leadership playbook, but it still works just the same, so. I thought of this like this way of seeing it, seeing it as personality at scale. Like, so- yeah. So companies have really, really struggled to show any level of personality. It’s almost like, especially in like B2B, it’s almost like intentionally try to like not show personality.

But this idea of personality at scale, especially when it comes to talent acquisition is what really attracts people to your company. And so it’s like, not only are you showing that like you know your shit, but also that you guys have fun and that you enjoy working with each other and like the stuff that has come out of it, I don’t mean to be like, you know, keep like pumping you guys up.

But when you showed me that video that a couple of your team members did, that was like, they put it together and it was hilarious. It was Joel and I think somebody else. It was Camille. So the one about the bad interview tips where she’s on the exercise bike one minute and then yeah. But because you guys have taken these, like the guardrails basically off and said have fun with this, all these like internal collaborations have started and people that are like partnering up with each other and they’re formulating their own ideas and stuff. And when you sent that to me, I think I responded to you with like, it’s over. .Like you’ve done it. We had a guy post one today. He did an, an Oscar acceptance speech for winning the Oscars office pole complete with music in the background.

It was great. Yes. It’s like, none of this is planned by anybody, you know? Yeah, it’s not planned. So it’s incredible. And so I think like what the big aha that I had was just let people have fun with this and if somebody wants to go deep on their industry and go in that direction, awesome. If they would just, if they want to have fun and show personality and like mess around with each other,

awesome. It’s like, it’s all beneficial. Yeah. Well that’s, I think that it comes down to- so you and I we just kind of admitted we’re snobs when it comes to like, we want thinkpieces. That’s all you and I want to do, but I think we are, we are different than the corporate mentality clearly, but I think that is also like corporate content,

all they can think of is like, how can we be seen as thought leaders? Or how can we make lame ass jokes that aren’t funny because we’re afraid of, you know what I mean? Like that’s the problem with, and you’re talking about personality at scale. That’s a great- that’s great. Did you come up with that right now?

Or did you plan that ahead of time? That’s good. No, I just came up with it. I wrote it down. But I think about, okay, so let’s go back to this like whole like traditional world of employer brand for a second. You know, I actually had a conversation with somebody yesterday who’s at this company and like they’re on their third attempt at their EVP because the various agencies they’ve worked with and things keep getting blocked and all this kind of stuff.

And I’m like, after the last five minutes here, I’m just like, why does any of that stuff matter? Just start a podcast and start talking shit. Like that’s- what do you need an EVP for? Just like pick up a microphone and have fun. Like it’s- I don’t know. I think the, and the only thing I’ll say because I mentioned this the other day.

There’s three things that have a ton of value and then a significant drop-off after that. So anything like we’ll call it personality at scale, through your team. And I would say thought leadership, I still think that thought leader- you have to have both in my opinion. And I think you’re both equal.

I think so- like as much as- I’m not dumping on thought leadership. I think you have to have left brain, right brain. You need to show that you have insights but you also need to show you’re having fun. The third thing, which is a corporate piece is a FAQ- frequently asked questions. I think if there was one thing from a hiring standpoint you can centralize and make it part of like your “employer brand”

it’s just a simple, write down every single question that people who apply for a job or interview with you ask. And answer those questions in a document and post them online and then post them again in social media. That’s it. Like that’s the only thing you need to do from a ‘why you should join us’ standpoint is answering just the stuff that people want to know.

Like beyond that, it would be- like I don’t know how you could justify doing it. And if you’re not doing that, what’s the point of you even trying to anything else? Yeah, I don’t know man.

One thing we did actually, I mean, I ripped this off from Dave Gerhardt. The “This doesn’t scale” book that they wrote at drift is actually a great book.

It was like 44 tactical things to do and they wrote that years ago. I loved straight up tactical stuff. That’s why I give a shout out to Harry Dry. He’s probably one of the best people to follow. Follow his newsletter. It’s so good! You’ll learn two or three things you can execute on right away. Louis Grant Grenier, a French guy.

Great. Stand the fuck out is the name of his podcast/newsletter/brand. Same thing. But the original book that they had, the “This doesn’t scale” because it was just straight up like a bunch of tactical things. And the one was we haven’t done one in a while. I don’t know if we’re going to be as reliant on them, but I guess this was an early thing when we were trying to get more people involved.

Is we just have a contest. So we were doing “hiring” content and from the standpoint that we were just asking everyone to do their own thing, make a video or whatever, why people should join us. And then we would all vote on which one was the best and they would just get more and more outlandish.

Again, it was more about, yes, it was a centralized attempt but it was still personality at scale because we’re asking people to be creative. Yeah. but every time we would do it. I mean, we’d probably do it two to three times a year. You know, you would have 50 plus people on the exact same day talking about, and we would reliably get solid inbound and hire people from it.

Yeah. I remember. I remember you told me about the first time you were doing. So I was prepared for it. And then you did it another, another time and you didn’t give me a heads up. And I just started seeing just this overwhelming amount of Hirewell. I messaged you and was like, are you guys doing something?

Yeah, it was it’s fun. It’s awesome. We will probably do it again sometime, but yeah. The team gets into it, but that’s another thing too, because you were asking earlier, like how you get people kind of involved. I think- because I kind of forgot about that part. So yeah. Having a couple of like event based things just to get people occasionally to get people kind of like excited about it and whatnot can be helpful.

So let’s see. We’re hiring posts are pretty lame and boring. But I do think that you know, I think I commented on your post today about this, where I think Gary Vaynerchuk came up with this jab jab jab, right hook thing. And I think it’s really true. I mean, like I said, you know, opinions aside about Gary Vaynerchuk.

But there’s this like over time building up this like trust and this awareness and this likability and this personality and all this kinds of stuff, when you do ask for something, it’s like people are so accepting of it and they want to help. So it’s like, wow, this person has like contributed or deposited like so much, you know, in, and now they’re asking for something and it’s like, oh, I either want to be part of that because now’s the right time.

Or I want to help them by making like- so timely asks like that are really are smart and I think like, people like genuinely like them. Well it’s building Goodwill, you know? It is. And I think that, that’s the thing we have to kind of underscore here is that you and I, we do this show cause it’s fun.

And we like talking and we like just talking shit with each other. And we can see in the recruitment industry how this stuff can help, whether or not anybody listens to us or not. Like, I really don’t care. But I don’t make money off this, you know what I mean? Like this is not something we’re-

I’m not selling a service to help you set up your brand and embassador program or write better content. Like, I don’t do any of that. Like I do it internally for us, but I have zero interest in like, cause there’s always people out there that like, they’ll give some webinars it’s because they’re trying to sell you their product related to that.

Like, I don’t do that. That’s not, there’s no real hook here. Aside from, you know, it’s tangentially related to the service we provide. I hope it helps, clients of ours and other people out there out and maybe they’ll remember me at some point some day.

Is that the jab jab, jab? It is. Some day I’ll throw the right hook or? Yeah. Yeah. That’s what it is. It’s just like, you know, Gary V, he wrote a book about it and it was just like, give, give, give, give, give, and then like you throw a right hook and you ask for something and people are like a lot more willing to do it. But I think what you guys have done with these takeovers is

you’ve kind of gamified it. You’ve made it fun. It’s something that everybody kind of can rally around and support and I don’t know. It’s just really neat. I’m like, sorry. I’m like really thinking about these like different personalities now within companies and the how there’s just like a way for them all to kind of come out, whether it’s like an engineering team’s personality is different than the sales team’s personality, which is, I don’t know.

It can get super fun and creative. Yeah. And we have another talking point, but I don’t think we should even open it up right now. What was it? The brand thing, two brands, one brand. We’ve talked about it before, but I kind of want to talk about it again at some point. All right. So we’re talking about like an employee, like a product brand versus an employee brand or something like that? All right. So lead into the next show. We’re going to talk about how trying to make content focused on one thing versus another is a total waste of time. And yeah, that’s it. We’ll wrap there.

Let’s wrap The Employer Content Show everybody. If you want to hear more insights, what Nate and I have to say, you can view all of our episodes on Hirewell’s Talent Insights. That’s talentinsights.hirewell.com, where you can also subscribe to the Hirewell channel on YouTube and the Talent Insights podcast on Apple, Google, Amazon, and Spotify.


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