December 25, 2022

Recruiting 101: Holly Jolly Christmas


Episode Highlights

The Home Alone House


Christmas Classics


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On this week’s episode of Recruiting 101, Camille and Kierra sit down in their Christmas pajamas to talk about all things Christmas. They share their Christmas traditions growing up as well as their favorite Christmas hit songs and movies. Merry Christmas!

Episode Transcript

Hey everybody. Happy Holidays. Welcome back to Recruiting 101 with Camille and Kierra. Recruiting 101 is dedicated to helping candidates understand the process from a recruiter’s perspective. In this segment, we’ll be sharing tips and tricks as we experience them. So, this week’s topic is all about Christmas.

Similar to our Thanksgiving special, we wanted to share some of our favorite things about Christmas, like our favorite movies, favorite music, and some Christmas traditions that we have as well. Yeah, so let’s start off by sharing our traditions. What is your Christmas traditions with your family. Yeah, so over the years we’ve always gone to a light show, whether it was something to like drive through or like the whole neighborhood had lights or just one house specifically.

So that’s something we’ve always done as a family. As well as going to the Home Alone House, up on the North Shore of Chicago, which is really fun. And I know it is just like, you just drive by and it’s super quick, but it’s fun to put on some music from the movies and you can also go to the church that they were at and like the convenience store where Kevin steals the toothbrush.

So it was kind of fun just to do that when there’s not much else going on, because it’s so cold outside. I didn’t realize that was in Chicago. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It’s in, Winnetka, up on the North Shore, just past Evanston. Cool. That would be really fun to see, especially because I’m a home alone lover. I do love looking at lights too.

I think that’s one of my favorite parts about the Christmas holidays. Yeah, what are your traditions? Yeah, so, we celebrate most of our stuff on Christmas Eve. We usually go to my grandma’s house and we just do a ton of appetizers and then every year we have a different theme of how we’re going to dress up.

So this year, the theme is snowman. So I got like a full like jumpsuit that has snowmen all over it. So, I’m wearing that. But every year it’s something different. So that’s kind of fun. And then we usually play some games. And then most recently, well I’ve actually always been in charge of handing out the presents, but most recently my younger cousins have started to do that because I was always the youngest until they came along. So, we hand out presents and then we ring a bell right before someone’s about to open. So we get everyone’s attention cause there’s so many of us. So that’s fun. But yeah, it’s just a good time to catch up with everyone, especially because now I live far away.

Mm-hmm. Yeah that is what we do. Yeah, mine is pretty similar. Just getting together. We get together with my parents on Christmas Eve, usually go to nice dinner. And then actual Christmas Day is usually like a slower morning, just opening presents and then we’ll meet with family later in the afternoon for an early dinner, which will be fun.

And we always do like white elephant gifts. And then just like the regular Christmas presents as well. So I’m excited. I’ve gotten all of my Christmas presents this year already, just except for the white elephant gifts. So I’ll have to go out and buy those sometime before Christmas Eve. Yeah, we actually do a white elephant as well, and I also haven’t gotten my white elephant gifts yet. Mainly because I want to get it once I get to Wisconsin, since my suitcase is already pretty full. So I’m like, I want to have a little bit of space. If I take home everything, I don’t think I will. So, I’ll buy that when I get there so that I’m not limited on size. Because I like to go all out on my white elephant gift as well.

I love that. I do like when they set like a price limit on it. Yes. Because I never know what other people are getting. So I think the price limit really helps. Without that, I don’t know what I would do. I agree. Because then you’re getting some gifts that are like way below the price and some that are way over.

So I think a limit is very good to have. Yeah. So as far as like your favorite Christmas movies, what are they? Your top three? Obviously, I already talked about going to the Home Alone House, so I’m obsessed with all of those. I think there’s like four or five movies at this point, but my favorite one is the first one where Kevin’s in Chicago, the second one where he is lost in New York, and then I believe it’s the third one where he’s at home in Evanston. But it’s not Kevin McAllister, it’s the boy who has like chickenpox and he’s home. And he finds that chip in his remote control car. That’s also a favorite of mine. So I love all the Home Alone’s, I love Elf, and then How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Okay, so I have all of the same top three Christmas movies. Are those your favorite too? Yeah, those are all my favorites. How the Grinch Stole Christmas is definitely my number one. But Elf, like, every single time I watch it, it’s still just as funny as last time. Mm-hmm. So I definitely agree with you on those three.

So what about your top three favorite Christmas songs? Definitely Mariah Carey, All I Want for Christmas is You. I really love Michael Bublé. His Christmas album is fabulous. And then I really do like Kelly Clarkson and her Christmas album, Underneath the Tree. And I just love, I think even working during the holidays, it’s nice just to put Christmas music on. And I can’t believe the holiday season for Christmas is almost over. It went by so fast. So I’m going to be sad when I can’t work in my Christmas pajamas and listen to Christmas music. It just goes by so fast every year and I feel like I should have decorated even earlier this year. But you never want to decorate too early, because then you get sick of it, but it just goes by so fast every year.

I think the worst part is like taking down the Christmas tree after Christmas. I think that’s the least favorite part for me because it’s so much work to take down, but then it’s like also sad because you don’t have another holiday to look forward to, because I usually take it down like after New Year’s anyways.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. I guess the next thing would be like Valentine’s Day and any spring holidays, but. Yeah. What about you? It comes slow. Mm-hmm. So my favorite Christmas song is also All I Want For Christmas with You by Mariah Carey. I think that is just classic. It is. It’s a classic. It has to be everyone’s favorite because it’s the best.

But Feliz Navidad, I love that song. Grew up listening to it. And then Last Christmas as well. Oh, that’s a good one. Yeah, all three of those. I can’t get enough of during the month of December. Yeah. Do you like, I know on Spotify they have like the Pop Christmas or it’s like the Oldies Christmas, like the classic. Do you prefer the classic Christmas songs or like the Pop Christmas?

I kind of prefer the pop. Yeah. Like I like some of the older Christmas songs, but I definitely gravitate more towards the pop. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think the pop Christmas is more like uplifting and like fast paced kind of. Where I think some of the classic music is a little like slower, so it’s not as fun to listen to sometimes. Or like more upbeat, I guess, is a better word to use.

Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. All right. Well thank you so much for joining us today. Remember to check out all of our content on and follow us on LinkedIn for more content. Have a wonderful holiday and we will see you next time. Yeah, see you next time. Merry Christmas everybody. Bye.

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