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No matter the field, market awareness matters. If you’re in trading, real estate, whatever widget your company sells, or for today’s purposes – hiring.
Key thing to note:
👉Data without context is meaningless.
If you don’t understand the subject matter and limitations of the data sets, you’ll draw the wrong conclusions. And make bad decisions.
Case in point: salary data. We pull salary data from multiple sources and provide it to our clients, free of charge. It’s important in making a hiring plan. But it’s equally important to know where it can be off base. (Or where is “hallucinates” as the ChatGPT nerds call it.)
If I had a dollar for every time someone went to a free online salary calculator and said “the internet says I’m worth $XX a year” and it was nowhere near accurate, I’d wouldn’t still be posting on LinkedIn like a dork.
Real data on Account Executive (4-7 year) and Sr. Account Executive (7+ year) salaries, 2023 vs 2024, US market, technology/software sector.
👉AEs: Jan 1 2023 vs Jan 1 2024
•25th-75th percentile base range: $85.5k-$114.7k vs $89.3-122.4k
•50th percentile base midpoint: $98.8k vs $104.7k
•25th-75th percentile total comp range: $97.9k-139.9k vs 101k-148k
•50th percentile total comp midpoint: $116.2k vs 121.4k
👉Sr. AEs: Jan 1 2023 vs Jan 1 2024
•25th-75th percentile base range: $106.3k-$141.1k vs $111.6-150.8k
•50th percentile base midpoint: $123.1k vs $130.3k
•25th-75th percentile total comp range: $124.6k-176.6k vs 129.6k-188kk
•50th percentile total comp midpoint: $147.5k vs 155.2k
All true facts. Wage inflation in the 5-6% range, which tracks any Google-able source.
But…things were a little different this year, no? Some industries got crushed while others thrived. Not to mention in sales, the size of the companies you sell to directly impacts your comp.
👉Salary ranges our GTM recruiting team is seeing today, from companies hiring AE’s and senior AE’s, based on the size of companies they sell to:
•SMB: $75-90k base; $120k+ OTE
•Mid-market: $90-120k base; 50/50 split
•Low enterprise: $125-130k base; double OTE
•True enterprise: $150-170k base; double OTE
A very different story, depending on your company’s sales focus.
Data’s great. But if you aren’t familiar with gaps, you’ll probably draw the wrong conclusions.
Partner at Hirewell. #3 Ranked Sarcastic Commenter on LinkedIn.
Repeat after me: do not talk politics at work. Or on LinkedIn.
Or in job interviews. Or on first dates. Or at Thanksgiving dinner.
Unfortunately for those of us in the business world, 2025 ruined it. There’s just no way around the fact that tariffs are the issue driving the business climate right now. Every client, candidate, and partner is asking about it—or struggling because of it.
So maybe, just maybe, talking policy isn’t just okay—it’s necessary. Dare I say, productive.
So get ready for a little nuance from Jeff Smith and James Hornick in The 10 Minute Talent Rant, Episode 107, “Talk Policy, Not Politics”
Episode 107