August 8, 2022

Stop Treating Recruiters As Disposable Items


Partner at Hirewell. #3 Ranked Sarcastic Commenter on LinkedIn.

Hiring doesn’t go up forever.

Things got a little heated on the last 10 Minute Talent RantJeff Smith (unintentionally) broke the all time F bomb record.

What pushed the Iceman to the brink?

????The hypocrisy of how internal recruiters are treated. By the same high flying orgs who promise the world. Espousing “culture” and their own brilliance as a selling point.

Just to turn around and lay people off 6 months later. Sometimes by email!

I want to be fair about this. There’s a lot of different reasons why companies do layoffs:

Some over-hired.

Some hired the wrong people.

Some have a bad business model.

Some got crushed by changing market demand or competition.

Some whiffed on repurposing people.

Unexpected things happen. People and businesses make mistakes. It’s ok! Laying people off doesn’t mean you’re awful, evil or uncaring.

But some things ARE knowable. Hiring demand doesn’t go straight up forever. If you think it does, you’re a fool.

No one enters into a FTE employment agreement expecting a short term role. Not recruiters or anyone else.

We found out a lot of these super genius firms with their disruptive ideas and game-changing tech, aren’t smart enough to do the basics.

Like demand planning.

Or maybe Jeff’s right. They’re just a$$holes. ????

Partner at Hirewell. #3 Ranked Sarcastic Commenter on LinkedIn.

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