December 19, 2022

What The Hell Is Recruiting Enablement?


Episode Highlights

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Wouldn’t it be great if your job was just a little easier? If you had tools at your fingertips that did all the repetitive work for you?

Well, it already exists. Recruiting Enablement. The long lost cousin of Sales Enablement. The answers to all the questions job seekers want to know. Ready to go and at your fingertips.

If you’re wondering how you can make your day less repetitive and more effective, Nate Guggia and James Hornick will cover the latest things they’re using in episode 27 of The Employer Content Show, “What The Hell Is Recruiting Enablement?” 

Episode Transcript

All right everybody, welcome to The Employer Content Show, part of the Talent Insight Series, brought to you by Hirewell and Before You Apply. I’m your host, James Hornick.

Joining me is my co-host from Before You Apply, Nate. It’s been so long, I forgot about the whole nicknames gag Guggia. And he’s got the mug. I still got the mug two years. I’ve got one here somewhere. Yeah. That’s awesome. Hey, this is fun. Yeah? I remember when I used to give those out back when I, yeah. I need to start my promotions again.

They’re hot items. We’ll actually get back to that. We’ll tie that back in at the end of the conversation here. Okay. Before we start, check out all of our episodes on Hirewell’s Talent Insights, Today’s episode, I had to go back because it’s been so long. This is episode 27.

I guess we’re calling it for right now, what the hell is recruiting enablement? But we can, we’ll see where the conversation goes and maybe that’s an accurate title or not, so. Okay. All right. So what we wanted to first kind of kick off is we did one of those LinkedIn audio chats. This was maybe a week ago.

Yeah, two weeks ago. Yeah. Brilliant. Good chat, terrible feature on LinkedIn. I think I’m bailing on that platform in terms of like their audio feature. They just give no support in terms of trying to build like a regular audience or anything. But the discussion was solid. Anyways. Enablement assets and I think you had a better term for these, explainer assets for recruiters just to make their job easier.

And why don’t you explain what you, what these are and how recruiting be made easier by having them. Yeah. Okay. So I think about it this way. The kind of like the prompt for me is if you find yourself doing too much back and forth or answering the same question over and over and over again with a candidate, with a customer, whoever,

whoever your audience is, just make an asset that explains what you’re trying to communicate and that like answers a lot of these questions that people have. I started doing it myself. I found that like with some customers of ours, they had some like key questions over and over again. And so what I did was I just turned them into posts on LinkedIn and I put ’em on my newsletter and I had a URL and a place that- now all of a sudden, like I had an asset when somebody asked me like, how do you think about analytics, for example?

Like I already wrote it out in detail with tons of context and I would just send it to ’em and every time somebody would just write me back and go like, “Oh, thank you. This is really helpful.” And so with some of our customers, we started doing this for the recruiters where we would talk to their recruiters.

And we’d go like, “Hey, where in the process with a candidate are you kind of getting blocked or finding yourself writing the same message over and over again or doing too much like async back and forth?” Mm-hmm. They tell us and we go, okay, let’s just like turn that into this asset that like enables the process. It just like unlocks the process.

It eliminates friction, it makes getting to a productive conversation easier. And that was kind of like the starting point and like the thinking through it. So what’s funny about this is that this is the reason why recruiting enablement- the term already exact- you had to Google it. It’s been out there.

We’re not the first one to kind of use that phrase. Yeah. But it’s still not used. I’ve never heard a recruiter use it right. Sales enablement is basically what’s kind of taken off of, I’m shocked by how many people don’t know what sales enablement is either, you know? I’ve had this kind of conversation with people. Sales people out there will know. It’s proposals, it’s slide decks, it’s follow up items,

it’s anything that helps make a sale. And what’s crazy to me is that how is this not more commonplace in the recruiting space? How do you not already have everything you need to kind of sell, candidates? Now, some places do have some of these assets, right? Mm-hmm. But the amount of, I’m going to go on a limb and say the amount of double work and repetitive work that recruiters have to do

is like infinitely more than salespeople because salespeople actually have people dedicated to this. They have their sales enablement leads at like a lot of companies in charge of this kind of stuff. Yep. But it’s just, it’s another example of how like just recruiting takes a backseat in terms of importance to like revenue generation, which on some level I understand and some levels still kind of crazy because it’s the same concepts.

You know what I mean? It’s not that hard to do. Yeah. But breaking these out, if we want to kind of do that in some solid examples, because this is one of these things is is kind of next level we talked about. So basic bitch level. Bottom line, like job descriptions and benefit sheets. Okay. Good term. Yeah.

So yes, that’s recruiting enablement, but it’s also really lame and doesn’t actually like sell anybody. No one gets up and excited because they’ve read a job description. Like you have to have that. Yeah. That’s not like an optional thing. But that’s kind of like your basic level of what will be kind of like a recruiting enablement item.

The second thing, I’m pretty sure you told me to do this actually, and then we did it, the FAQ. Yeah. We might have done a whole show on this. I have to look back. We did. Okay. Long story short, frequently asked questions, it doesn’t sound like it’s anything amazing, but I’m telling you it is. By simply having your recruiting team write down every single question they get from candidates

and then putting all those into one place and then one by one answering all those questions. So anything someone would ever want to know about your company that they’re going to ask you, can literally now be an email. Mm-hmm. It should be on your website. It can be posted on social media to drive interest, but it could be literally anything that’s kind of come up in the interview process or coming up in the interview process,

typically gonna ask. There’s no reason not to do it. Like you’re getting these questions all the time and you save yourself so much time and effort and you have to compare yourself to like the next company who doesn’t have it posted. You could say “Don’t walk in the room” as many times as you want, but it still happens.

That was one of those news anchor moments. You know what I mean? Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. I think we should leave it in. Yeah. Okay. So here’s what I’ve discovered from kind of like being on the inside of how this stuff happens, is that it feels like in-house recruiting teams are

more than sales teams are doing their kind of their own thing at an individual level. Which means that one recruiter could be sending like one type of message or a tweaked version of a templated message that went to the entire team. Another recruiter’s doing another thing. Everybody, you know, there’s like biases towards tools and then depending on like how much experience an individual recruiter has, they might be kind of stuck in their ways.

So there’s like more like misalignment in recruiting than there probably is in sales. Sales seems like a lot more structured, especially when it comes to like sales management and sales leadership and all that kind of stuff, right? It’s like it’s a lot more structured. And then the other thing too is that all of the, like these types of things that we’re talking about are seen as like, I wish we had these, but we have no idea how to actually make them, or like the time or the resources to make them. Which is something we live in. I mean, I’ve hammered that like a lot of times. But let me- can I kind of tell you the process we went through just to like? Sure.

Go for it. Okay. It’s like, it’s a very simple process. It’s not easy though, in some ways. So it started with- and here’s a cool thing for this like specific customer I’m thinking of. We actually worked with their agency recruiter, right? So the company is a customer of ours, but they don’t, but they outsourced the recruiting to an agency.

We worked with their agency recruiter. The reason like to me that is so important is because a lot of times people think that you can’t do stuff like this with agencies. It has to be like an internal thing, and that’s actually not true. You just have to have like the right relationship between agency and company in order to do it.

This time it worked out extremely well. So we got on a call with the recruiter. We said, “Okay, where are you being blocked? He said, “A lot of times candidates before they schedule a call with me, they want to know what does the interview process look like. I don’t really have any way- we don’t have that documented anywhere.

You know, it’s kind of different depending on the role and whatever.” And I said, all right. Like we said okay, let’s create this asset for you as soon as we can. So we did. So he downloaded the entire interview process for us. We took a ton of notes, and then it becomes the job of whoever the creative person is, whoever is going to turn this into an asset.

It’s their job to take all of that information. And all of that information is everything from like, what is every individual step? Who’s involved in each individual step, and then what does each individual step entail? That’s a lot of information, but you have to figure out a way to take all of that information and then condense it down into an asset that is like no more than a page and a half, maybe? Where it’s like,

let’s say in this case it’s for pre senior software engineers that they’re recruiting, where an engineer can look at this and go like, boom, I get it. I know who I’m talking to. Here’s links to those people. I can do my research. We included some like also useful links at the end of it that go to like some relevant blog posts about their funding and about benefits and stuff like that. And we just created this one thing now that just, we did it in a Google doc. Yeah. It wasn’t even fancy. They don’t, they’re not posting it on their website or anything. And now all of a sudden this recruiter has this link, which is kinda like this magic link that explains a whole bunch of stuff that candidates have that then again, like going back to what I was saying, unlocks that ability

to go, okay. I know what I’m getting myself into. The subscription of the recruiting process could have been an email, as simple as that. Yeah. It’s the same as the- because it’s similar and this is what- because when you mentioned this to me last week, I loved it. I kind of wrote this post about it.

What I like about it too, and I guess the idea of documenting your interview process and using that as a selling point to attract more candidates or to streamline your recruitment process with candidates to get them through the funnel better. I don’t know many pla- I mean, I guess we’ll put it this way.

Every time we do an intake call with a client on a new requirement, that’s one of the three things we always hit on is interview process. And it’s making sure we know exactly what it is, make sure we’re aligned with it, make sure it makes sense, make sure we can explain it to candidates and make sure we can also advise that they need to tweak it a bit based upon what else we’re seeing in the market.

It’s something every recruiter should do. We obviously like it’s something that we document, so we can kind of explain it to candidates. Yeah. But the reality is that it doesn’t always pan out that way because sometimes companies processes are a little more theoretical.

Like this is how they think it’s going to go down, versus like a hardened process they’ve actually kind of like created, realize it works, make it repeatable, get everybody on board. And it’s not a criticism. It’s just that a lot of, if you’re hiring for something you never hired for before. You have an idea of what you’re going to do.

May not exactly pan out that way, but the more you can do to kind of reduce that level of disconnects that might happen, the better because candidates got other things they’re looking at. They’re going to think you’re a joker if it’s way outta whack with what you’ve told them up front.

I mean, it’s just kind of human nature to not take you seriously if what you told them one day is not how it panned out. What I realize is by going through this exercise, it can force you to streamline your processes, right? If part, if you’ve determined that we are going to post our interview process on our website and use it as a follow up item with everyone we talk to, so everyone is exactly where you are,

you have to actually make a no bullshit process. You can’t just kind of wing it. You know what I mean? If you’re going to put your name on it and say, this is how we go, you have to make sure it’s real. Secondly, in order to do that, you have to make sure everyone in your organization is accountable and on board.

Another big pain point in the recruiting process is hiring manager- maybe it’s the hiring manager changing their mind or maybe it’s someone on their team who wasn’t really kind of bought in. They’re not really reachable for these interviews, they kind of push this off. I believe that by stating this is what we’re going to do, we believe so much in our interview process, we’re going to use it to attract talent

because it will. Yeah. By letting people know up front this is what our process is, there’s no disconnect. This is how we kind of do things. You can also use it to kind of send to people after the fact like you mentioned. It would force you to get your shit together, to actually commit to a process and to commit to everyone in your organization sticking to that process.

Mm, that’s interesting. So it’s like using documentation to like build a process, streamline line it to make a process better. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, anytime you commit to doing something, you’ve set a 90 day goal. This is what we’re driving towards. No matter what part of business or life you’re talking about, like you’re more likely to hit it.

You know what I mean? Yeah. So I think you can use it, especially if it’s something that- because it can do all three things in terms of cleaning up the process and committing to it, getting everyone on board, and then obviously kind of attracting talent with it. Now there’s challenges there because I think what you were saying with it is, the having

the agency recruiter they were working with have these assets available to them is a good start. Right? That’s like when you talk about like recruiting enablement, that’s giving that recruiter the ability to like have stuff they can send to people and that might be different for every position they work on.

I do think if you’re going to take it to the level of putting it on your site, which is even more powerful, then you have to make sure like there’s- yes. You can explain away deviations when only one person saw it. When it’s the whole world’s looking at it and they’re applying to you because of it, then like you can’t halfass it.

Like it has to be real, you know? Yep. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, good point. So. I do think it’s, and I guess the other thing I want to be fair about is that like they’re frequently asked questions, which we did show this before, like that’s a light lift. And it’s extremely powerful. Write down all the questions you got, answer them all.

It really is that simple. It’s an exercise where you know each recruiter on your team, it’s 20 minutes of their time, send it to somebody, it’s hour of their time answering all the questions. Put it on the website, you’re done, and it’s going to work. Yeah. This is obviously, if you want to do it like first level in terms of just having a good handout on a per role basis, recruiter can use,

maybe that’s a little simpler. But in terms of doing it well, like that’s a bigger lift, you know? Yes. You have to commit to fixing your interview process. You have to commit to having an interview process. You have to commit to get everyone aboard with the interview process. And the thing is, these are things you should want, you know? I’m not, this isn’t crazy talk. It is a bit aspirational

because I do understand that hiring is hard. And as smaller companies might be hard to get these stuff done, but this is what you should strive towards. There might be certain roles you’re hiring for, it doesn’t quite fit because it’s outside of your norm. Like this would work very well if you hire a lot of salespeople, right?

And you’ve got a- if you’re one of those organizations that has like a class every other month for like a new hire class, you should have this for that. But if you’re making your first ever hire in demand generation or DEI or something you don’t hire for often, I can see that you don’t really- I think we can admit you don’t know what you’re doing in these hires.

That’s okay. Yeah. But I can see that being a hesitation, but that shouldn’t stop you from wanting to go down this path, anyway. Yeah. I don’t know, the biggest takeaway for me as an I guess for anybody is this theme of, again, is if you find yourself doing something repeatedly or you find

your target person asking the same, having the same questions, being blocked by the same lack of information, whatever. It’s like just turn it into something that can answer that question so you’re not doing the same thing over and over. I don’t know, there’s so much qualitative stuff here,

you know. It’s like the level of empathy that shows. It shows candidates that you get it. It shows that you lean more towards transparency, which then is like that is a positive light on your brand. It just like the- as you do more and more of these things, it just, because I think like again, we’ve said this a lot of times, the bar’s so low.

Yeah. That if you just start doing this stuff and don’t ever think that it has to be perfect or that the audience cares as much as you do, because they don’t. They don’t care about fancy branding. They don’t care about overly polished anything. They just like want the information and providing them with the information-

if you’re being compared against another company and you’re the one providing the information, even at like a minimal level and the other company’s not, yeah. If you post your interview process, and by that I mean like you make a post on LinkedIn that says what happens when you apply to XYZ company?

Here are the actual steps. Here’s what you can expect. That’s your post versus the people posting like pictures of their holiday party. You know what I mean? For sure. One of those is like a real thing people actually want to know. The other one is not, so. Totally. Yeah. Okay. I was going to transition because there’s another topic we wanted talk about here.

Okay. Time on page. Time on page. Getting into, this is another kind of marketing concept, kind of repurposing to recruiting. We might get a little bit out there on this one, but, okay. You brought this up and I think this kind of relates because I think the way this came up was like you’re talking about there’s a frequently asked question or what happens when you apply and there’s a recruitment process outline on their website.

How do you track that to see how interested people are or who’s interacting with it and all those types of things. Yeah. Okay, so time on page. Okay. You know, I talk openly or I post openly, whatever. It’s not talking, but about how I change my mind on stuff. I do. I’ve done it plenty of times and like I actually kind of enjoy when that happens.

This is one of those times. I used to be pretty- I’d go pretty hard on the fact that when it comes to content, that analytics are more or less bullshit. Like analytics don’t tell the story. But marketers rely on analytics to report back on the success of something. And I’m like, that’s not the case of content.

If there’s just like way too many things, too many variables that you can’t measure, it’s all qualitative. Does a candidate say they like it or not? Did it help in the process? Yes or no? That kind of stuff is like, you get feedback. The quick example to delineate that point for anyone who doesn’t quite, if they’re not following along- if you take someone who regularly creates content that’s actually insightful and interesting and maybe

very technical or something that gets really detailed, has a very loyal following, but it’s kind of niche versus someone who literally just posts memes all day and stuff that everyone agrees with and kid picks. One, the second example is going to get way more engagement, way more audience way, way more.

The first example is going to have a much smaller audience and smaller reach, but is going to actually like get people on board to buy their product or join their company or whatever. Yeah. Right. That’s why it’s such a massive difference in why, like, when people talk about analytics, like when they’re saying analytics are bullshit for content it’s because they really are. It’s more about the value that gets you to the result as opposed to just clicks,

so. Yes. Yeah. And so within the context of like the stuff that we do, we create content for recruiting teams. So a lot of our customers will have asked us, you know, over the years about analytics and we’re kind of like, I don’t think, I don’t know what- you’re the one using the content.

We’re the ones creating it. You’re the ones using it. What kind of feedback are you getting? That’s the real story there, you know? Mm-hmm. Yeah. For recruiting teams, for in-house recruiting teams, that’s not always the answer they want because they’re just like generally not good at qualitative data.

But we started looking. We do have an analytics tool on our pages, and we started looking at it. One thing that we realized was that it’s this whole like quality and intent thing. And we realized that like the time on page that candidates were spending on the stuff that we created was extremely high.

So we started thinking about this in terms of like, whoa, okay. Quality is like a big deal in recruiting, especially in tech, which is the sector that we work in. And how do you know if you create an asset, let’s say in this case an enablement asset, how do you know that candidates that it’s working, that candidates even care outside of them telling you when you have a conversation?

Yeah. So we’re like, huh. If they’re spending a lot of time consuming this content, which you can measure, that’s a good indicator that the stuff you’re making is working, that people like actually are spending time there from a just like purely from like a metrics or from like a numbers perspective.

And so we look at two things right now that we’re like, we’re really diving into. One is unique users that go to a specific page, which is an asset in this case, and then the time that they’re spending on that page, the average time. And the interesting thing, and this is kind of like a Chris Walker thing that he’s talked about like in the past. Which is, when you start doing things

in a certain way, volume go- like the intention is actually for volume to go down because you’re narrowing more and more in on the target person that you’re actually looking to bring in. Yeah. And in this case, what we saw was unique users were like on the lower side, but time on page was extremely high.

We’re like, okay. That’s pretty telling because in our case, we create things for recruiters to send in outbound messages, which means that the only people who are seeing that content are people that recruiters have already filtered to be like at least on the surface level qualified. Yeah. So if you see like a unique user and you see seven minutes time on page, that’s a good indicator that the right person is spending a lot of time consuming your stuff.

And so that’s how we started thinking about time on page. The one thing that I’m interested that I would love to AB test, which now we’re starting to get a little bit more out there is like, in that play when you’re going like let’s say sniper style and you’re sending a link to an asset directly to a targeted candidate in a message, that’s one thing.

How does that time on page compare to posting that asset on social and having a large audience that you cannot control, view that asset and would one be far greater than the other? Would they compare? I don’t really know, but I would love to see the comparison for general audience versus targeted audience.

I was also thinking of like on individual level, right? So I’d be curious because we’re- I’m not a marketing guru, but I dabble and we’re ourselves implementing HubSpot right now, which has a lot of kind of tracking ability to tell you like who’s actually coming back to your page, kind of lead scoring, showing intent by visiting this or that page.

And we’re like most companies, like this is all stuff that marketers know, right? This is a lot of people know how to do this type of stuff. It’s in terms of figuring out like who’s most likely to buy so your outbound salespeople can like follow up with them more often, that type of thing.

So it’s just whatever, it’s just intelligence, right? But the technology exists. The way they kind of track people like this, but what about applying that to recruiting and kind of what you’re talking about, you know? If there’s 10 candidates you’re looking at for a job, or maybe you’re down to your last three or four, and you can tell that like two of them have been-

two of them specifically have been coming back to a lot of these questions and they’ve been going through your interview process. They’re rereading the documents, they’re going through a lot of this stuff. Whereas the other two like never bothered to click on any of your follow up items. You know what I mean?

How does that I guess, can you pull some intelligence out of that? Are you going to be be more drawn to the people that are clearly showing more interest in you? So there’s one that is also, it’s like, is it an indicator people aren’t- the ones who aren’t clicking on your stuff and following up and reading through it, is that more of an indicator that they’re not a fit or you shouldn’t like continue, but like, have you not done your job with them? Have you not sold them on this? You haven’t gotten them excited enough? Is it more of an indicator that you had more work to do that you kind of fell flat on?


I think- I don’t know anyone doing this. We know people who are like the first thing we talk about this discussion, like documenting the interview process in one of these things. But using these more kind of individual based tracking mechanisms in a recruitment process, the technology exists.

Oh, it totally does. It’s all out there. It’s not even complex. Like we use, we use plausible. We’re actually like in the process of creating like a custom dashboard because we want to get better. This is something we’re like really into, so if we’re going to invest in it, but yeah. I mean the tools exist.

They’re super cheap. All you really need to do is like going back to enablement assets. You create it, you host it somewhere. Mm-hmm. And if it’s hosted somewhere, which is your website, yeah. Then it has tracking associated with it, and you can start paying attention to like how much time- you could like, okay. You could go, “Hey recruiters, how are you using this?

We’re sending it to candidates, blah, blah, blah. When they have questions” whatever. Whatever the context is. Okay. Yeah. And then you start, then you have the use case, and then you look at how much time are people spending on these individual pages? And you start to know what’s working and what isn’t.

Then there’s like this qualitative piece as people start getting in into the process and they’re like, oh, the things you provided me with made this easier. Mm-hmm. It made me more attracted to your company, whatever it might be, you know? You start piecing the stuff together, but I don’t know, maybe it’s just me that I find this like so interesting. But I look at the stuff that recruiting teams or marketing teams want to measure

and then I look at stuff like this and I go, there’s a big difference because there’s like behavior of people and we’re all trying to measure the behavior of people, which is really, really hard. And I don’t think that somebody clicking on something or showing that a link got clicked on enough times,

I mean, that doesn’t show anything. It just shows that like it was clickable. Yeah. But if somebody, especially if we’re talking about hard to hire people who you’re primarily sourcing, if they’re spending a good amount of time on something, that means like you’re doing something right because those people- yeah.

Well, especially another way to think about it too because you didn’t call this out specifically, but I know it’s what you guys do. But if you’ve got video assets, you know/ if you’ve got an organization, if you’re working with an organization where the company has their hiring managers or on video talking about what they’re doing, and you can tell that certain candidates have watched 10, 15, 20 minutes of different hiring managers kind of, and you know who those people are.

And you also know the ones who didn’t go through that. I mean, that’s also very telling in terms of the effectiveness of it, who’s clearly the most interested and where you have the most work to do with who’s not interested. Right. Yeah, for sure. So yeah. I look at time as like this big indicator of intent. And I think that what that’s like- in marketing intent is like the golden ticket, right?

It’s like what everybody’s trying to figure out is like how do we get people who have a lot of intent? Mm. Time to me, at least within this context, is like the best indicator that I can think of right now. Yeah. Do you want to go one more? Last thing I wanted talk about is people. But maybe the transition here to the third topic, which this is the point of the show where maybe I’m just going to complain about stuff.

People’s unwillingness to try stuff like this out or try anything like this out. Yeah. Was on full display a couple weeks ago, so. The background was that Joel Lalgee from our team, famous recruiter in LinkedIn internet, he started playing around with TikTok just for fun, right?

And Joel’s got, I don’t know, 150,000 LinkedIn connections and he has, at the time, I think 30,000 TikTok connections, although I think he’s up to 50,000 last I asked him. And the thing, here’s what I have to make clear, he was not advertising a job. He was not saying apply to this. He was not saying, come check us out.

He was just shit posting. He was just making a funny video. That’s it, right? The same videos he puts on LinkedIn. So it’s like apples to apples just making like a recruiter post, having fun with it, whatever. When he put stuff on LinkedIn, I mean, people, we do get people reaching out to us like, “Hey, I saw Joel’s video.

I’m interested in you guys.” Or, you know, it happens. When he did it on TikTok, where he had one fifth the size of the audience, it basically blew up our entire in bound. So we went from getting, you know, one to two people a day mentioning, “Hey, I saw some post Joel made” to like a hundred. Our page views on our own website were up like over a thousand percent. It just absolutely exploded. Which made me realize, okay, there’s something happening on this site that’s just different than LinkedIn. When you’ve got like one for one similar content, same person, smaller audience, but you’re getting exponentially higher traffic and interest driven by that, there’s clearly something happening on TikTok that is just capturing people’s imaginations and then maybe it’s a motivated audience, maybe it’s age group or whatever. But when you see just eye popping numbers where 1000 or 2000% increase in traffic, whatever it was, it was something completely bonkers and you’re getting, the same like considerably more inbound driven from something like that,

it’s worth investigating. That was the entire purpose of what I was saying. It’s worth taking a look. It’s worth- there’s something here. You should figure it out. Yeah. The amount of people responding back resisting and just shitting on the whole thing, I mean, there wasn’t a ton, but there were some. Like some people like right away are like, that’s pretty cool. But then you get others.

They were just like, “Yeah, but what was the quality of the inbound? How many people did you place off this?” I’m just like, are you fucking kidding me? Or I saw some that were like data privacy. Was is it with people concerned about data privacy with TikTok? I’m actually on board with that like I do, I am concerned about the privacy on TikTok, but- for sure. As a marketing channel, like when you see- I mean, it wasn’t even a test. It wasn’t even like him going out and saying, “Hey, I want to try to find people for a job.” Just people just started hitting us up, you know? Hey, were those people who wanted to work at your company or- some of them yes.

Some of them were people who are, some of them were technical people. We actually made it- we actually got several people submitted to clients, some developers, you know? Yeah, I was wondering. It came through, but I have to admit by the sheer volume of it, yes, there were a lot of people who reached out who didn’t fit anything.

They didn’t fit us or anything else. It was a lot. But the counterpoint is that’s literally all inbound. All inbound traffic, you’re always going to get flooded with people who don’t fit roles you’re working on. I was not surprised, but I was slightly annoyed in that people, like I was not advocating this is the future in that we, I even straight up said, we don’t have this figured out.

We don’t have a strategy here. This is not something we can execute on right now. But just by the sheer volume of interest that it drove was bonkers, and this is worth taking a look at and seeing like how you could use it. Mm-hmm.. But people taking it three steps further and upset that I wasn’t able to clearly delineate what the business results were

and like how spot on the applications were. I’m like there was no job. They weren’t applying to anything in particular. We weren’t advertising for anything in particular. Yeah. I think it was a funny video. Their resist, it speaks to the resistance of people to get outside their box of what they currently do and not wanting to admit that in the future, a year down the road, two years down the road, there might be a better way of doing this job that people haven’t figured out yet.

People don’t like thinking of things in those terms. They just want to throw up resistance that, no, this is stupid because it’s not targeted enough or it’s not, you know- whatever. So yeah. You know what’s super cool is that the person who did this was a recruiter Yeah.

Who just did it. Mm-hmm. So this idea of like any of this stuff having to be like- corporate driven. The whole initiative where like a bunch of people have to get in room to make decisions and approve it and like what’s the messaging going to be, blah, blah, blah. Like all that kind of stuff is just like, ah, it drives me crazy.

It’s like Joel just was like, eh, fuck it. I’m going to test TikTok out and see what happens. And like just posted something and then you reported on it and it happened so fast and it was- like we need more of that. There’s just like- there’s just too many damn blockers. But that’s why tying this back, the reason why I wanted to bring this up, because I didn’t want to talk about TikTok for an extended period of time, but- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The other things we talked about here today, so talking about like creating recruitment as putting your interview process on your website as a way of selling candidates, getting interested/having less follow up items for your recruiters, one. Two, figuring out how to like time on page or using the amount of time that people interact with your career site because you have better assets on it.

There’s things to interact with. Yes. To determine like who’s highly interested in who you have work to do with. These are like, the first concept is easier than the second, but these are both achievable with modern technology and these are things that work in the sales enablement and marketing realms already.

So really we’re talking about things that exist, but no one really does in recruiting. But the resistance that these ideas are going to have based upon the experiment with the fucking TikTok post, I’m telling you, there’s so many people who are just going to think these ideas are stupid, even though they’re proven to work in other forums

just because there’s so many recruiters out there man, who just don’t want to get out of their own way and don’t want to admit there might be a different or better thing on the horizon. Man.

Got anything else or was at the end of the show? That’s the end. We’re just going to, we’re just going to drop it right there. Alight. Yeah. That was a good ending. Yeah. We’ll leave the clip of, was that your wife who walked in on you or I didn’t see it- it was, yeah. I’ve never met your wife, so I’m just assuming, but yeah. Yeah.

The walking in on you, the whole like shock face “Oh my god.” We’ll leave it in. Like 2020 news person clips of the kid walking in. All right. Everyone out there, that’s a wrap for the Employer Content Show. If you want to hear more of what Nate and I have to say, we could post the after show video somewhere of us just talking shit.

If you want to hear more what Nate and I have to say, you can view all of our episodes on Hirewell Talent Insights, You can also subscribe the Hirewell channel on YouTube and the Talent Insights Podcast on Apple, Google, Amazon, Spotify. Nate, thanks again as always. Always a pleasure.

Yeah, buddy. Everyone out there, see you soon. Bye-Bye.

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