The War on Talent (such a dumb phrase but I digress) now has a 2nd front. The demand for specialized skill sets has gotten so competitive in 2021 that quality recruiters themselves are becoming hard to find. Everybody’s hiring one. Yet a lot of companies don’t realize...
What if I told you Myers–Briggs’ whole methodology was designed without a single psychologist involved? Companies always seek ways to make hiring easier and better. While personality assessments seem reasonable on the surface, when you peel back the layers you...
Your bestie’s company is hiring and you got the inside track. They referred you in so it’s smooth sailing. Red carpet treatment. Expect the offer letter any day now. Lol. That’s absolutely not how it works. Yet…some job seekers think it is. And they act like it....
Stop me if you heard this one. You spent a ton of time and energy prepping for your interviews. Nailed all 6 steps of the process. You crushed it. High hopes. Then…crickets. I’d say “a no would have been nice” but let’s be honest, that’s not enough either. Why...
We were going to cancel this week’s show. Our very own Jeff Smith is on paternity leave. But he insisted that the show go on, if and only if, he can be allowed to rant about paternity leave. Seriously. So a sleep-deprived Jeff and...
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