Before You Hire an HR Leader: 8 Questions to Ask

Are you considering hiring your first Human Resources Leader in 2025?8 Questions to consider before starting an interview process1) What are the biggest challenges in Human Resources within your organization?a) Training, Retention, Recruiting, Benefits, Employee...

TV taught us why works sucks

And what do to about it. The history of television perfectly explains the current state of workplace dissatisfaction. And why LinkedIn has become unreadable. 📺 Severance (2022–present) 📺 Silicon Valley (2014–2019) 📺 The Office (2005–2013) 📺 NewsRadio (1995–1999) 📺...

Compensation is a trainwreck right now.

Maybe it always is? Compensation is a trainwreck right now. Let’s review the last few years: 👉Post-financial crisis until 2020. A decade of good times where people got accustomed to salaries inching higher every year. Companies just baked it into the cost of doing...