We’re all the CEO of our own minds… I don’t know why some people are still obsessed with titles, but they are. For some it’s a status symbol, for others it’s the pecking order over their peers. In any event, it’s a lot of wasted energy. And you could be negotiating...
“Younger employees are a better long term investment.” “We need someone who can move at our fast pace.” “We’re looking to hire a digital native.” It’s all coded ageism. And it’s all BS. There’s a lot of aspects of...
How much would you pay to reduce efficiencies? Eliminate transparency? And increase your total costs? Yeah, these seem like ridiculous questions. But if you’re an enterprise organization using a Vendor Management System (VMS) to manage your staffing, the answer is: a...
Does this job description look familiar to you? That’s probably because it is. A copy of a copy, reposted in perpetuity… It’s rare that a job description captures a company’s true hiring need. There’s always something that’s not in there, often the most important...
Nothing says “you’re not that important” like canceling an interview on a job seeker at the last minute. Especially when it’s a consistent pattern. We get it. Everyone is busy, overworked, stressed, and fires can pop up at any time. But at every phase of the process...
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