4 or 6 day work weeks. Who you got?

2 opposing ideas can be simultaneously true. The 4 day work week and the 6 day work week. Both ideas are great and terrible at the same time. The context: 👉In the UK, the South Cambridgeshire council ran a 4-day work week trial for their garbage collectors and desk...

Good hiring starts at the top

It’s everyone’s job Believe it or not, hiring isn’t a train wreck everywhere. We just remember the bad experiences more, from our time as job seekers. They stick out in our minds more. (Plus they get echoed around on social media ad nauseam.) Recruiting is...

Personality tests are a hustle

There is no bottom It’s been a minute since I ranted on personality tests. But today I was reminded there is no bottom. Personality tests are the new astrology. A plausible sounding pseudoscience that attempts to reduce the complexity of the human mind into easily...

Why AI Won’t “Fix” Hiring

Meet the new problem. Same as the old problem. AI isn’t going to “fix” the candidate experience. It’s just going to make it worse. Sounds gloomy. But it doesn’t have to be. I’m fascinated by the  “automation paradox.” David Mindell came up with it: “the...