Wait, what? Real talk: I love turning down business. And you should, too. Bad business, specifically. That might seem obvious. But you look around your company. (If you’re at a good one, think back a job or two). It’s not obvious at all. Certainly...
Hiring doesn’t go up forever. Things got a little heated on the last 10 Minute Talent Rant. Jeff Smith (unintentionally) broke the all time F bomb record. What pushed the Iceman to the brink? ????The hypocrisy of how internal recruiters are treated. By the same...
About today’s job number… This just in: 512,400 jobs added in July. ????The real takeaway is the 3:1 ratio of Non-Office Dork jobs to Office Dork jobs.???? Office Dorks is what I’ve always called, well, us. The LinkedIn target audience. I probably need to...
A few quick, asymmetric observations Inflation + market fear is driving weird decisions around pay equity right now. 4 things I’ve seen in the last month. Some good. Some not: A below market offer, because the person’s manager is underpaid.One org straight up not...
Let the people speak. If you can get your team excited to talk about their job, in their own words: it makes a massive impact. Your talent attraction will go through the roof. It sounds incredibly simple. Because it is. But there’s 2 things that get in the way of...
Camille Knapik Balch, recruiter on the Hirewell Managed and OnDemand Recruiting team shares some of the interviewing tips that have really helped her in the past. ???????? Setting an alarm 30 minutes before the interview so you have time to get your head...
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