The 111 Steps of the Hiring Process

More than you thought There are 111* steps in the hiring process. Which means there are 111 places where everything can go wrong. And you wonder why everyone has a nightmare job seeking story… I’ll back up. Last week I mentioned ‘knowledge illusion’ in my...

You have a big database? Cool.

Don’t we all… One of the old tricks that recruiting firms used to be able to pull was playing up the size of their database. Because once upon a time, that mattered. Now, literally everyone has access to the same data. Anyone with a LinkedIn Recruiter...

12% unemployment?

Awful time to be in your 20s. Work wise anyway. The unemployment rate is under 4%. Unless you’re in your 20s. Then it’s 12%. You read that correctly. This article on CNN (citing BLS statistics) popped up in my feed. There’s a few factors here: 👉No one wants to...